4 Benefits Of Ashwagandha For Men Over 50 – Review

Ayurveda, an alternative medicine based on Indian principles of natural healing, considers Ashwagandha to be one of the most significant herbs in natural medicine.

The high content of withanolides (which have been demonstrated to inhibit inflammation and tumor formation) is responsible for many of it’s health advantages.

Ashwagandha Benefits

1. Increase Testosterone

As men get older, we all have to deal with testosterone loss.

Ashwagandha may be a supplement that can help men over 50, who are dealing with these issues.

A study was conducted on a group of men with infertility.

The individuals’ testosterone levels increased by 10–22% after ingesting 5 grams each day for three months.

In addition, 14 percent of the participants’ partners became pregnant.

Another study found that Ashwagandha boosts testosterone levels while improving exercise performance, muscle strength, and fat reduction.

To increase strength, you are going to have to perform some kind of resistance training.

Currently, it appears that Ashwagandha could aid in the rise of testosterone levels in men.

 “I may be compensated through the links in the post below, but the opinions are my own.”

2. Reduce Stress

According to Medical News Today, when compared to the sedative and anxiety medication lorazepam, Ashwagandha may have a soothing effect on anxiety symptoms.

High and chronic stress levels have long-term health consequences.

These include lowered immunity, cardiac problems, and nervous system issues.

In our fast paced society, many of us are lookin for stress relief.

Ashwagandha could help in reducing stress.

Cortisol is a stress hormone that causes your body to activate its fight-or-flight response.

According to studies, Ashwagandha lowers cortisol levels in the body.

It may lower stress and accompanying symptoms such as high blood pressure and heart rate.

In a human study published in 2019, researchers discovered that consuming a daily dose of 240 milligrams (mg) of Ashwagandha, lowered stress levels when compared to a placebo.

Reduced levels of cortisol were among the results. 

I don’t have much stress in my life right now, which I am really thankful for.

I take Ashwagandha every day, but I can’t honestly say if that is the reason I don’t have anxiety.

3. Better Focus

Ashwagandha’s rejuvenating qualities aren’t limited to physical ability.

It can also improve your cognitive function.

Preliminary research on animals and in test tubes.

The results indicate it can also improve mental capacities and brain function.

Though ashwagandha has a long history in Ayurvedic medicine for brain health, human research is still lacking.

In one short trial, men who were given an ashwagandha supplements vs a placebo, improved dramatically in reaction time and cognitive performance.

4. Anti – Inflammation

Modern research confirms some aspects of these claims and points to additional potential health benefits.

Ashwagandha is made up of nutrients with anti-inflammatory, brain-protective, and stress reduction abilities that may protect your body against many diseases. 

It has been shown to increase the killer cells that fight infection and keep your body healthy.

Ashwagandha is available in powder, extract, and supplement form online and at health food grocers.

Possible Side Effects

Please watch this video about possible side effects of Ashwaganda.


Our world has gone through a lot of change and uncertain times during 2020 with stress and anxiety cropping up as a by product.

A balanced diet, restful sleep, and exercise are three essential habits we need to put in place, to live a healthier life.

Ashwagandha might be an added benefit, if taken regularly.

I take it every day with my other supplements to help keep my body and mind healthy, so it may be worth a try for you.

You may want to check out Tribulus also.

One report mentioned that it may cause problems for pregnant women, if taken in high doses, so be careful if you are a woman and pregnant.

Always check with your health care professional before starting a new supplement.

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