7 Reasons to Drink Coffee for Men Over 50

A cup of coffee is an incredibly popular beverage, with coffee shops popping up on every corner and coffee beans grown in just about every country.

But coffee can also be beneficial for health, especially for men over 50.

Do you remember how they used to tell us that coffee was bad for you?

Well, Johns Hopkins says that those studies were done on a lot of folks who were using tobacco and lying on the couch all day.

I personally like Espresso (with a little water added) in the mornings and will usually have about 4 to 5 cups.

This type of cup is also known as an Americano.

Since I practice Intermittent Fasting, I drink black Americanos with no added sugar or cream.

I’m glad to find out coffee is actually good for you, because I really like the taste.

Coffee may not be for everyone, so if you are having side effects from drinking it, check with your doctor.

I’ve put links to articles in this post to back up the claims, so check them out for yourself. I may be compensated from some of the product links at no extra charge to you.

Here are some of the reasons why coffee is good for men over 50.

#1 Coffee May Be Good For Your Heart —

Cardiovascular problems can become more common as we get older.

Studies have shown that coffee drinkers have less risk of heart disease and stroke, than those who don’t drink coffee.

#2 Coffee lowers the risk of Type 2 Diabetes —

Men over 50 are at a higher risk for developing Type 2 Diabetes and coffee can help reduce that risk.

Studies have found that coffee drinkers have a lower risk of developing Type 2 diabetes than those who don’t drink coffee.

Coffee can be a healthful addition to your diet.

#3 Weight Management

Research suggests coffee may help keep weight in check and reduce the risk of developing certain diseases.

Furthermore, coffee may also help people maintain a healthy weight or lose excess pounds.

The caffeine in coffee has been shown to increase metabolism and fat burning, making it easier for the body to burn calories.

Coffee may also suppress your appetite, so you won’t have a tendency to over eat.

#4 Drinking Coffee may help reduce the risk of certain cancers —

Studies have found that coffee drinkers are less likely to develop certain cancers such as liver, prostate and colorectal cancer.

You can add Parkinson’s disease to that list also.

This is likely because coffee contains antioxidants which can help protect against disease.

#5 Coffee may lengthen your life

According Harvard Health, studies were done analyzing data on coffee drinkers around the age of 56 years old who participated in a study for 7 years.

Researchers found that people drinking up to four cups of coffee daily, had 30% less chance of dying during that period, than those who didn’t drink coffee.

Some of them even added a little sugar.

#6 Lower Risk Of Depression

A 2017 Harvard study involving coffee consumption and depression reported that coffee consumption by men over 50 was associated with reduced risk of depression.

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, age is a significant factor in the risk for depression.

The development of the disorder typically begins after the age of 40, so coffee can be a helpful way to reduce risk.

One of the reviews of 7 different studies, showed that for every cup of coffee consumed on a per day basis, there was almost 8% less risk of depression.

According to Healthline, they have recently determined that coffee in moderate amounts seems to work the best.

#7 Improved Cognitive Function

Another benefit of coffee consumption for men over 50 is the improved cognitive function coffee can provide.

Caffeine has been linked to increased alertness and concentration, as well as improved long-term recall of information.


Drinking a cup of coffee a day, has many health benefits for men over 50 and can help reduce the risks associated with high blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes and certain cancers.

So if you’re over 50, coffee may be an excellent choice to keep your body healthy and your mind sharp.

Whether you choose a traditional coffee maker, an espresso machine, or even a single-serve coffee brewer, being able to easily and quickly make coffee can help keep you on track with your health goals.

Aside from these health benefits, coffee can help improve your productivity and concentration while giving you energy during the day.

With coffee as part of your daily routine, you’ll find it easier to stay focused and motivated.

So why not give coffee a try?

You’ve got nothing to lose!

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