Do Push Ups for Chest – Men Over 50

Why push ups are especially beneficial for men over 50 years old

Push ups are especially beneficial for men over 50 years old because they help build muscle throughout the body.

As we age, we tend to lose muscle mass and bone density, so it’s important to do exercises that help us maintain our muscle mass and strength.

Push ups are a great way to do this, and they can be done without having to go to the gym.

A push up will work different muscles in your upper body without putting the strain on your joints that a heavy bench press will.

The more reps you do, the stronger you will become.

We have to be aware of the natural break down of muscle as we age.

Sarcopenia is a condition that causes weakness and muscle loss as we get older.

According to WEBMD, resistance training is the primary treatment to counteract this.

Push ups target the upper, lower, and middle chest muscles and help build a strong, muscular chest.

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Push ups can help to improve posture and prevent back pain.

They play a big part in core activation which keeps your body erect.

Strong core muscles also help to improve your BALANCE and stability.

The up position is also known as the high plank position.

By holding the high plank position, your core muscles are activated and this can help reduce back pain.

They are a great way to stay in shape and improve overall fitness.

Push ups are a great way to build your chest, especially if you’re over 50.

CAUTION: Always check with your medical professional before starting a new exercise routine.

They’re a bodyweight exercise, so they don’t require any equipment, and they can be done anywhere.

Plus, push ups are a great way to tone your entire upper body.

Doing push ups can also help to increase bone density in the chest, shoulders and triceps which can lead to better overall health and a reduced risk of fractures.

How to get started with push ups if you’re a beginner

Always warm up before doing push ups.

– Start by doing wall push ups against a wall.

– Once you’re comfortable with that, move on to doing push ups on your knees.

After you can do 20 push ups on your knees, you’re ready to start doing full push ups.

How to do a proper push up

To do a regular or classic push up, start in a plank position with your hands shoulder-width apart and your feet hip-width apart.

This is a normal push up position.

Lower your body down until your chest is just above the ground, then push back up to the starting position.

This is considered the full range of motion.

You always want to use correct form.

Some people let their elbows flare, but it is safer to keep your elbows tucked.

Keep your core muscles engaged throughout the entire movement and your body in a straight line.

If push ups are too difficult, you can modify them by doing them on your knees instead of your toes.

The benefits of doing push ups regularly

A standard push up not only builds a big chest, but they also tone your arms, shoulders, and back.

If you’re looking for a way to build strength and muscle, push ups are a great option.

Your shoulder joints won’t take the beating they do when doing heavy bench presses.

The more push ups you can do, the more muscular endurance you will gain.

A few tips on how to make push ups more challenging

As you get better at push ups, you’ll want to make them more challenging to continue seeing results.

SAFETY TIP: If you have chronic soreness in your shoulders, you may want to take a break for a few days.

Here are a few push up variations :

Add resistance

Wearing a Weighted Vest will allow you to add more weight incrementally.

Change your hand position

By placing your hands closer together (Diamond Push ups), it will target your triceps more, while a wider position will work your chest and shoulders more.

Make sure you are practicing good form throughout the movement.

Elevate your feet

Doing push ups with your feet elevated on a step or platform will make the exercise harder.

This is what’s known as a decline push up.

Medicine Ball Push Up

A Medicine Ball Push up will really test your balance and stability.

Perform a regular push up with both hands on a medicine ball.

Push ups are a great way to build your chest muscles, but they’re not the only exercise you can do.

Alternative Exercises

Dumbbell Presses –

These will help build shoulder and arm strength.

Dumbbell Presses can be done sitting or standing, and using a bench adds stability if needed.

Cable crossovers –

Using a low pulley, bring the handles together in front of your chest.

You can also do this exercise one arm at a time.

Squeeze your chest muscles at the peak of resistance.

Elevated Push Ups or Incline Push Ups

These are an easier version if you are having trouble with modified push ups on your knees.

You can use a wall or a tree for this one.

Try doing Dips

Dips are a little tougher and can put more stress on your shoulders.

If you are new to them, be careful.

When done correctly, they can really add to your chest gains.

The best time of day to do push ups

One of the best times of day is in the morning, before breakfast.

This is when your body is rested and your muscles are fresh.

If you work out before eating, your body will burn the calories from stored fat.

Check out Intermittent Fasting as an alternative eating life style.

But getting back to the best time of day…it’s when YOU have the time to do them.

Some of us just aren’t morning people and that’s OK.

Let your body tell you when it’s the best time.

Just make sure you have a comfortable surface to do them on, and start with a few reps to warm up.

Push Ups and Overall Health and Fitness Levels

A regular push up is a great exercise for overall health and fitness levels.

In addition, push ups can help to improve your cardiovascular health and endurance.

Be sure to mix it up a little, because you want to target all of the muscles throughout your chest.

You can do this by trying some of the different chest movements mentioned above.

You’ll also want to increase your Protein Intake since we need more as we age.

I personally take CREATINE and have noticed strength gains with it.

Don’t Neglect Your Legs and Back

If you only do push ups, your body will become imbalanced.

You don’t want that.

Be sure to do some bodyweight squats and pull ups or body weight rows to avoid this.

You may want to check out Calisthenics.

How many push ups should you aim for?

So the next question is, how many should you aim for?

The number of push ups you should do depends on your fitness level and goals.

If you’re just starting out, aim for 10-15 push ups.

As you get stronger, you can increase the number of push ups you do.

If you’re looking to build muscle mass, aim for 20-30 push ups.

And if you’re looking to improve your cardiovascular health, aim for 30-50 push ups.

No matter your goals, push ups are a great exercise to help you reach them.


Push ups are a great exercise for men over 50 years old.

They help stimulate muscle growth and strength, and can be done in the comfort of your own home.

You’ll be surprised at how much better your overall health will be by doing a weekly routine of push ups.

Start out doing them every other day.

Be sure to increase your Protein.

You may want look at Creatine as a supplement also.

Just make sure you have a comfortable surface to do them on, not hot asphalt in the middle of August.

From there, it’s up to you.

Good Luck in your next level of Push Up exercises.

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