Eating Eggs Every Day is for Old Guys

As you age, your need for protein every day goes up and eggs provide an abundant amount.

Eggs are not just full of protein, but have a ton of other nutrients also.

OK, maybe not a ton.

For a long time, people have been associating eating eggs with weight gain and high cholesterol.

They even go as far to say that eating eggs everyday will cause heart attacks.

Studies have shown this is not the case.

It’s kind of like drinking coffee.

This week it’s good for you and last week it was bad.

Eggs are full of nutrients, including the 21 amino acids that our bodies need .

Eating eggs on a daily basis will enhance your physical condition, unless you are allergic to them.

Check with your doctor!


Eggs contain protein and healthy fats in calories for energy and growth.

Now let me give you a list of vitamins and minerals contained in eggs.

They have Vitamin A, Vitamin, B1 Vitamin B12, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, and Vitamin K .

The minerals are selenium Phosphorus, zinc, and choline.

Have you ever noticed the main active ingredients in cold remedies such as Zicam?


We used to think that too many eggs would lead to high cholesterol, but according to HEALTHLINE, they have a positive effect on your cholesterol.

Some say eggs are the perfect food.


Eggs have the highest rate of turning protein into body tissue, out of all the other foods (excluding breast milk).

WebMD gives this breakdown:

If you eat 3 eggs, you’ll get 21 grams of protein and 15 grams of fat with a total of 225 quality calories.

According to Healthline, eggs do not increase the risk of heart disease. 


As of this writing, I bought an 18-pack of Large eggs yesterday for 98 cents at a local Kroger grocery store.

They were probably on sale, but you get the point.

Keeping hard boiled eggs in your refrigerator is an affordable way to have healthy snacks on hand at all times.

Weight Loss

Eggs have a lot of protein and that keeps you feeling fuller longer. 

So, with that extra protein, you will probably not get hungry as often as when you don’t eat eggs.

That means you are less likely to snack since you’ll feel satiated more often. 

If you want to lose weight, eat eggs without their tasty counter parts such as bacon, ham, hash browns, and toast.

The Eyes Have It

Lutein is found in egg yolks and this reduces the risk of macular degeneration of the eyes as you get older.

This vitamin found in eggs protect your cornea and zinc benefits your retina. 

The egg yolks also have shown to prevent osteoporosis and add to overall bone health.

4 Types

Conventional – The hens are fed grains and these eggs are what you mainly find at the store.

Organic – The hens are not given hormones and fed organically which means clean feed.

Pastured – The birds are free range or run around free eating natural foods.

Omega-3 Enriched – The hens are eating feed mixed with flax seed.

How to prepare

Scrambled – I add cheese sometimes to give a little different flavor. 

I still put bits of ham in them since I’m not on a strict diet and they taste better.

A little hot sauce from time to time will spice it up, but watch out if you have stomach issues.

Fried – Pour little bit of olive oil in the pan and have at it.

I had to learn how to flip the eggs without breaking them for over easy.

I haven’t mastered this yet.

Have you ever thought of making a breakfast with fried eggs and sweet potatoes?

Just another idea to try.

Poached – I was never a fan of poached eggs since they are runny. 

But, to each his own.

Hard Boiled – I’ve always boiled the eggs for 12 minutes. 

The trick for easy peeling is to immediately put them in an ice bath when finished boiling.

I’ve noticed it’s better to peel all of them immediately and store them in the refrigerator this way.

They sometimes are harder to peel if you wait too long.

Instant Pot for Hard Boiled Eggs

I found the best hard boiled eggs by using an Instant Pot.

Check out this video for a demonstration.

Keep some hot sauce handy or maybe just some dry rub spices to keep from getting tired of the same old thing.

Eggs come in a few different colors and this is due to the breed of the hen.

According to the USDA, it doesn’t matter what color the eggs are, because they have the same nutrition value.

I’m on an Intermittent Fasting schedule so I break my fast with Oatmeal.

Then, I follow up with a couple of hard boiled eggs.

Eat At Home or On The Go! 

I used to scramble 3 eggs at night and put in them the refrigerator for the next day. 

Then, just take them to work and heat’em up in the microwave. 

If you don’t have a microwave, try taking hard boiled next time.


Let’s wrap this up.

Eating eggs every day will add an almost perfect source of nutrition to your diet.

Eggs have Omega-3 Fatty Acids which are the good kind of fat. 

They are loaded with much needed protein.

They’ll keep you full and help with weight loss if you keep the side orders to a minimum.

They do not cause heart attacks and have been found to make you healthier.

So overall, eggs are one of the best foods you can eat!

Click Intermittent Fasting if you want to read about a healthier eating lifestyle that will include eggs.

Eat healthy and keep on keepin’ on.

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