Orgain-Organic Superfoods Product Review

What are Orgain Superfoods? They are a mixture of plants and berries processed into a powder that you mix with water to give your body the nutrients it needs.

 “I may be compensated through the links in the post below, but the opinions are my own.”

Superfoods are more commonly known as Supergreens, so that’s what I’ll call them in this article.

I will be referring to the brand Orgain since that’s what this review is all about.

Did your mother ever tell you to eat all of your vegetables?

Well, Orgain has made it very easy for us to do just that.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t eat as many vegetables as I should. 

So, let’s look at Supergreens as a viable option.

Supergreens are considered one of the best sources of nutrition accessible, despite the fact that many meals supply a complex spectrum of nutrients.

Although the supermarket is stocked with greens such as kale, chard, spinach, and lettuce, the phrase “Supergreens” usually refers to a narrow group of algae and cereal grasses.

ORGAIN has the supermarket variety as opposed to some of their competitors.

Spirulina, chlorella, wheatgrass, and barley grass are the most common supergreens touted by proponents.

However, you don’t have to be a health freak to benefit from these healthy alternatives.

Orgain takes it even further.


They use 50 Organic berries, greens, sprouts, fruits, and vegetables to give you a complete serving of vitamins and minerals.

They also have 1 Billion probiotics in each serving.

Think of probiotics as good bacteria in your gut that helps with your digestion and immune system.  

All of these foods are pulverized into a fine powder that mixes easily with water or juice. 

Supergreens include a wide range of easily absorbed vitamins, minerals, proteins, and enzymes.

Chlorophyll and antioxidants are also abundant in these foods.


Supergreens are said to enhance the immune system, reduce inflammation, detoxify the body, and support healthy digestion because of their extremely concentrated nutrient profile.

Supergreens antioxidants protect against free radicals, which cause disease and aging.

The enzymes found in Supergreens also appear to help in digestion.

Here we have some of the benefits and how users describe them: enhanced energy, decreased sweet cravings, and a general feeling of coherence.

Greens powders are high in vitamins and minerals that help to keep your immune system in good shape.

Orgain is Non-GMO, Kosher, and Gluten free.

I’m not going to tell you that I feel a difference when I drink it, because I don’t.

I do know that my body needs the nutrition and this is the easiest way to get it.

That’s why I take it.

How Do You Take Them?

I usually pour a scoop into a blender with water, banana, and protein or make a smoothie. 

Add to water and stir with a spoon, works for me also.

If you are on the go, just pour some into a water bottle and shake it up.

When I stir the powder with a spoon, it clumps up a little and the taste is kind of strong. 

If I just blend it for 5 seconds, it’s smooth and the taste is not as strong. 

That’s a much better way to go. 

Since I’m over 60 now and do Intermittent Fasting, I like to know that I’m getting a full dose of vitamins and minerals each day.


I couldn’t really peg the taste until I read someone’s review where he mentioned it tastes like Apple Jacks cereal. 

I will agree it does.

Orgain Supergreens come in 2 flavors, Original and Berry.

I think both of them taste pretty good and can’t really tell the difference between them.

Here is the part where I show you some other brands I tried. 

The taste of the product below wasn’t good, but OK if mixed in a protein drink with a banana.

This one was terrible.

Greens vs Multi vitamin  

Supergreens powder is created entirely of natural components.

That means the micronutrients in whole food items are easily absorbed by the body.  

Multivitamins are man made with synthetic nutrients and may not be easily absorbed by your body, so you may not be getting much benefit from them.


Each canister has about 20 servings and the price is under $30. 

I recently bought a can for $19, so it pays to shop around.

Not bad for making sure you have all of your nutrients for the day.

About the Company

Orgain was started by Dr. Andrew Abraham, an integrative medicine specialist, who is also a cancer survivor. 

During his cancer treatments he wanted a clean organic option for nutrition, so he started blending and experimenting with vegetables.

He made his recovery and continued with different blends of organic nutrition.

He later left his practice to start Orgain and the rest is history.


I found overall, that Orgain Organic Superfoods are worth the money.

I use it every day and sometimes add a raw egg in the blender just to boost my protein. 

It’s an easy way to meet your nutritional needs for the day and it doesn’t cost much.

I suggest you just give it a try and see if you like it. 

Click here to purchase directly from Orgain.

Click on Amazon for other buying options.

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