Tribulus Terrestris Works for Men Over 50

My take away on Tribulus – Product Review

Taking Terrestris Tribulus extract may increase your libido even if you are over 50.  

I’m not trying to sell you on it, just giving the information and letting you decide for yourself.

I first found Tribulus while searching for legal supplements that would enhance my workouts.

I say this because I’ve always used natural substances and so many men out there today are willing to try anything that may give them a boost.

I tried it because the information said that it increases Testosterone.

I noticed after about a week that I had an increase in blood flow, especially in the mornings!

That doesn’t mean it increased my Testosterone.

Please read on…

 “I may be compensated through the links in the post below, but the opinions are my own.”

man in gray tank top and blue shorts doing push up

So What Is Tribulus Terrestris?

TRIBULUS is a legal herb grown in Southern Europe, Africa, Asia, and Middle East.

It is a dietary supplement that has many claims and has been used since ancient times  for medicinal purposes.

Some of the claims I can confirm because they have worked for me personally.

Statements have been made that the Tribulus from Bulgaria has the highest potency due to increased amounts of steroidal saponins.

Some of the claims have not been backed up by scientific research, so I’ll leave that to your own research and opinion.

I am giving you at least 2 sources to cross reference.

CLICK HERE for Double Wood Tribulus.

It has 95% saponins and is 3rd party tested.

I buy it in capsule form from Amazon.  

I used to get the 1000mg tablet pill, but recently got the 700mg capsules which you are supposed to take, twice a day. 

Just to let you know, the 1000 mg tablets smelled like a feed lot.

It wasn’t too bad though.

You can also get the powder form from Bulk Supplements.

I can honestly say this is one supplement that I notice a profound difference after taking.

I’m not saying that will be your experience, but it is mine.

Benefits of Tribulus for Men.

Med India claims that Studies have shown that tribulus is good for treating eczema and other skin conditions.

I have personally noticed that since taking Tribulus on a regular basis, my Eczema has not returned in about 3 years.

Before that, it would show up on me every year for the past 40 years.

Usually in the winter time.

It is also widely known for its sexual health benefits.

Some claims are that it increases your testosterone.

This is kind of a fine line because some studies say that if you have low testosterone, it will increase it.

But others say if your testosterone is normal, it won’t have an effect.

I will say, that it does affect your libido on the positive side.

Now whether that is by stimulating cells in your brain or increasing your blood flow, I don’t know.

I am not a doctor or a scientist.

I will say that personally, it does do that for me.

Scientists have had mixed results when testing men with erectile dysfunction.

After testing men with low sex drive, the scientists gave them Tribulus for 2 months.

There was an increase in sexual desire by 79%.

Take that for what it’s worth, since everyone is different. 

Blood Pressure and Tribulus

According to WEBMD, Tribulus may lower your blood pressure.

They say if you are on medications that lower blood pressure, taking Tribulus may cause it to go too low.

If you have high blood pressure, you may want to ask your doctor about this as an alternative supplement.


athletic man with fit muscles doing push ups on kettlebells
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

What Tribulus does. 

 HEALTHLINE states that it may Lower your blood sugar and give you a healthier heart. 

Check with your doctor if you are already on any kind of medication.

Tribulus may increase your immune system according to tests done in rats.

It could also act as an antidepressant in your brain from the tests done in mice.

From the test tube results, it may have anti-cancerous properties.

Do you notice that most of their clinical trials were on animals?

In India, Tribulus has been used in folklore as a treatment for kidney stones.

What it doesn’t do.

Contrary to popular belief, it does not boost your testosterone levels.

Wait a minute, earlier they said it does boost low levels.

That’s why I don’t concern myself with the studies.

It works for me!

There are a lot of marketing claims out there stating that it will boost it but according to  scientific research it does not have an effect on your testosterone level.

It doesn’t increase your athletic performance or muscular appearance.

They tested a rugby team over a period of 5 weeks of weight training and there was no increase in strength or body composition between the test subjects and placebo group.

If you want to increase strength, give Creatine a try.


I’m going to give the Double Wood Tribulus a Try!

CLICK HERE for a link.


Should a man over 50 take it?

Short Answer: YES

Men have noticed an increase in libido from taking Tribulus.

I personally don’t care about the testosterone controversy, because I have noticed an increase in my libido.

It’s one of the better dietary supplements I take.

You probably should look into a good low impact exercise program also.

And as I stated before, I haven’t had eczema symptoms in the last three years.

I’m over 60 years old and will continue to take it as a daily supplement.

My suggestion is to go to a Tribulus link and look at the reviews for that certain brand.

Overall, I think it’s worth a try as long as your doctor gives you the OK.

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